Rabu, 11 Juni 2014

identitas diri

business english assignment "my identity

My name Septi Anggraini Committee, I was born in Kebumen ,25-09-1992. I am female, my age is currently 22 years old. I am the first child of 2 brothers. I have a younger brother named Andriyan achmad fauzi is now 16 years old. My hobby with the name of the roads to the rural realms or beaches. Islam my religion, I'm at university berajar Gunadarma Economic S1 Manajemen.Keluarga I mostly ethnic Javanese.

I'd love to be a useful and working section adm.
I have a dream to raise Haj both my parents and I wanted to be the best for my family.
thank you.


business english assignment "experience when writing Scientific (PI)"

My experience while writing Scientific Writing (PI)

This experience began when I entered college level 6 or 6 semesters may be called, in which the rule is that every student must follow the SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. I am in 4ea20 class, where each class get 2 lecturers. On that day, we were collected by a professor named Present Hudiyanto pack. Where professors carry on hiatus, which divides the two missing groups A and B where group A, will be guided by faculty with mrs. Name tiwi, while group B with the name of Mr. Present. Absent begins, with the result that I get in group B, with lecturers present pack. It was my first experience guided by Mr. Present, although the first impression we see packs Packed company, but it was reversed to pack sharpness saved properties both present and patient.

At that time we were immediately given a briefing by Mr. Present in writing, where we are taught to write with good research. At that point in mind my mind, I was still puzzling over what would my title really the study. I continued to listen to a briefing delivered by lecturers pereceptor me. My first day meeting ended with motivation given Present pack, where we have the spirit in the work of scientific writing.

In the evening I found a reference to determine the title for my writing, I keep looking at that time in various references such as books or Internet media. The days passed and I still did not find an appropriate title for my science writing materials. Until I tried on my senior, who happened to go to university Gunadarma. At that time I was often asked about scientific writing and provide input and ideas over my writing. At the time I loved to eat meatballs BTC area. I thought and began to have the idea to make a scientific paper about the business MEATBALLS. But I am still confused about what I'm going to be careful in business.

Weeks went by, where I met with the owner of the meatballs. I am consulting to owners and employees of customer satisfaction to the meatballs. According to him about good business, live what you learn. He also provide businesses with a choice of giving options, research on customer satisfaction. During that time I puzzled over the choice until the end I think the house and asked for my seniors.

When at home I'm looking for a reference study on customer satisfaction and I also ask the opinion of my friend above them. When I asked the supervising faculty for consultation, until finally I met with my supervisor. I gave the title of obstruction is "customer satisfaction to a troubled meatballs in EAST JAKARTA" and while it is also a faculty mentor I agree on that title. Although the new title I can, I am very happy because I have made the title approved by my supervisor.

I also started with Chapter 1 I, where the contents of Chapter 1 is an introduction. Making the introductory chapter 1 I think this is easy because there are already references given by my friend so stay I developed. Until I finally met with my professor. Although I was a little nervous. I guess I give you chapter 1. Currently I get nervous checked afraid there is a mistake in my writing. Until finally write the first chapter of my supervisor approved by me, although there was some improvement in my writing.

In addition, I also started on chapter 2, the same as chapter 1 I make writing smoothly. And approved by my supervisor. I also continue to Chapter 3, together with the chapter 3 was passed. Well the problem occurs in chapter 4, section 4 where it is difficult chapter for me. Because here there is a discussion and calculation of long time my writing. I'm working on chapter 4 of this nearly two weeks, to the point that I contacted my supervisor. Because there is no progress towards my scientific writing. Until I met was my professor, and he explains how the calculations. When I started to research ways until finally I managed to finish writing in chapter 4. Chapter 4 and has been approved by my supervisor. I then further in Chapter 5, the conclusion here is that I'm no constraints, but I was able to finish everything. Although no revision given by my supervisor.

The days went by, I also completed my scientific writing. And I also met my supervisor at the same time with my friends will want to ask scientific writing. We also met dp Equipped time he served in the Depok campus. We also rejoice in our writing legalization. It is a difficult thing forgotten by me.

A few weeks later after I smoothed my writing to a hard cover and I've made my presentation form. I enrolled in scientific writing session to register. At that time I was getting the schedule on August 26, 2013. Days passed, and I was very nervous and frightened over the trial. Day after day passed, I was preparing myself for the trial. Until finally, the awaited day came. I started the session with a feeling very nervous and very scared.I get time to three. Where all my friends one by one entered into the trial, I was wondering to my friends who have hearing, what was done in the courtroom. Until my turn came, I was called into the. The fear that haunts me. I start the prayer to begin the presentation, I also started my presentation, to complete and lecturers also ask questions about my research. At that time I was responsible for all that was asked, and it turns out the atmosphere in the room is not the same as my plan. The atmosphere inside is very comfortable. Until finally I finished the session. How relieved and happy I could finish the job properly. Until finally I wait for further notice
Until finally I followed all desired by my lecturer. Finally it's done scientific writing until approved by the instructor. Until the trial delivered a pass. The struggle has not ended there. In addition to fighting I kept asking for signatures to all campus that oversees scientific writing, I Jakarta - Depok travel by train. But as another step in the process. Disaster came to my house where I was burned in November.
That's my experience that I would like to share with readers, how the value of scientific writing tasks we struggle today. And I really thank you for the love of friends and all the people who have become my support. Especially my parents. Some of my experience, if there are errors in writing words or forgive. Thank you.

Rabu, 02 April 2014

format surat dan contohnya

ormat surat dan contoh-contohnya.
·          Format Block (Block Format) : Business Letter
  Format block pada business letter merupakan format surat bisnis yang paling sederhana atau simpel  diantara ketiga format surat bisnis yang lain karena semuanya diletakkan pada bagian kiri surat.
·           Modified Block Format: Business Letter
Pada Modified block format businses letter, letak penulisan alamat (address), tanggal (date),closing  (penutup), tanda tangan (signature) dan nama (printed name) berada di bagian kanan surat.
·           Semi-Block (Indented) Format: Business Letter
 Pada semi-block (indented) format business letter, format penulisannya hampir sama dengan  Modified Block Format, tetapi pada bagian isi, paragraphnya dibuat menjorok ke dalam, sedangkan pada Modified Bock Format tidak.
·         Format standar
Dalam surat formal yang ditulis dalam format standar tempatkan alamat anda atau alamat perusahaan pada bagian atas surat (kop surat). Lalu tempatkan alamat orang atau perusahaan yang dituju dibagian atas kiri surat. dan tempatkan juga tanggal pada bagian kanan atas surat sejajar dengan alamat yang dituju.
Pada British English, alamat dan tanggal diletakkan di sudut kanan atas seperti contoh di bawah ini:
Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
25 January 2012
Pada American English, alamat pengirim diletakkan di:
1.      Sebelah kiri, di bawah tanggal, atau
2.       Di akhir surat, di bawah tanda tangan
January 25, 2012Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
SincerelyJames Hutauruk
Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
Sebelum kita membahas posisi alamat penerima, ada baiknya perhatikan hal-hal berikut ini:
Urutan dalam penulisan Penerima dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut:
Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr …
Nomor Rumah, jalan
Kode area
NEGARA (huruf besar semua)
Pada British English, letak penerima surat sejajar dengan tanggal seperti di bawah ini:
Mr. James Hunt                                                                                     25 January 2012
46B Park Avenue
Sedangkan pada American English, alamat penerima diletakkan 2 baris di bawah alamat pengirim (atau 2 baris dibawah tanggal jika alamat pengirim diletakkan dibawah tanda tangan).
January 25, 2012Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
Mr. James Hunt
46B Park Avenue
January 25, 2012Mr. James Hunt
46B Park Avenue
—- isi surat —-
James Hutauruk
Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
·          SALAM PEMBUKA
Di bawah ini akan kami jelaskan tata cara penulisan Salam Pembuka dalam aturan Business Letter dalam Bahasa Inggris. Ingat sekali lagi, kita harus konsisten, kalau tanggal, dalam gaya British English, maka keseluruhan surat harus dalam gaya yang sama. Begitu juga sebaliknya.
Dear Ms / Miss / Mrs / Mr / Dr + Marga
Contoh: Dear Mr Miller
Anda juga dapat menuliskan nama lengkapnya, namun kita harus menghilangkan gelarnya (Mr/Mrs). Hal ini sangat berguna apabila Anda tidak mengetahui jenis kelaminnya.
Contoh: Dear Chris Miller
Ada beberapa cara untuk menuliskan Salam Pembuka apabila Anda tidak tahu nama orang yang Anda tuju, yaitu seperti di bawah ini:
a. British English
    Dear Sir / Dear Sirs   = Jika penerimanya laki-laki
    Dear Madam = Jika penerimanya perempuan
    Dear Sir or Madam  = Jika penerimanya tidak diketahui jenis kelaminnya
b. American English

    Gentlemen = Jika penerimanya laki-laki
    Ladies  = Jika penerimanya perempuani
    Ladies and Gentlemen = Jika penerimanya tidak diketahui jenis kelaminnya, atau
    To whom it may concern = Jika penerimanya tidak diketahui jenis kelaminnya
Pada British English, jangan gunakan tanda baca apapun, atau Anda dapat menggunakan koma
    Dear Mr Miller
    Dear Mr Miller,
Pada American English, gunakan tanda baca “titik dua”
    Dear Mr. Miller:
·          PERIHAL (SUBJEK)
Tujuan dari penulisan “Perihal” adalah agar si penerima surat mendapat gambaran tentang apa sebenarnya surat yang ia terima. Ada 3 (tiga) hal yang perlu Anda perhatikan dalam penulisan Perihal, yaitu:
    Gunakan “Subject:” atau “Re:”
    Tuliskan perihalnya dalam “Cetak Tebal”
    Tulis Perihal dalam Huruf Besar
Perhatikan perbedaan penulisan “Perihal” antara British English dan American English seperti di bawah ini:
a. British English
Letaknya antara Salam Pembuka dan Isi Surat, seperti di bawah ini:
Dear Mr. HuntSubject: Request No. 145
Referring to your …
b. American English

Letaknya sebelum salam pembuka, seperti di bawah ini:
Subject: Request No. 145Dear Mr. Hunt:
Referring to your …
·          ISI
Isi surat merupakan hal yang paling penting dalam Business Letter. Isinya harus betul-betul mewakili semua apa yang ingin Anda sampaikan. Jangan lupa pula untuk meletakkan tata krama. Berikut ini adalah panduannya:
1.       Awali dengan huruf besar setia pawal kalimat.
2.       Tulisan dalam Business Letter harus rata kiri.
3.      Berikan 1 spasi untuk tiap paragraf baru.
1.      Paragraf pertama: Pengantar dan alasan mengapa Anda menulis surat tersebut.
2.      Paragraf berikutnya: Jelaskan secara terperinci alasan Anda mengirimkan surat kepadanya, termasuk latar belakang, dan lain-lain yang dianggap perlu.
3.      Paragraf Terakhir: Simpulkan sekali lagi alasan Anda dan harapan kepada penerima surat
·          SALAM PENUTUP
Salam Penutup sangat berhubungan erat dengan Salam Pembuka. Biasanya ada beberapa aturan main yang harus kita perhatikan. Penyajiannya juga berbeda antara British English dan American English seperti penjelasan berikut ini:
British English
1.       Jika Anda memakai nama penerima surat pada Salam Pembuka, maka salam penutupnya adalah “Yours sincerely” atau “Sincerely yours”.
2.      Jika Anda tidak menggunakan nama penerima pada Salam Pembuka, maka Salam Penutupnya adalah “Yours faithfully” atau “Faithfully yours”.
American English
Gunakan “Sincerely” atau “Sincerely yours”, untuk semua kasus, yaitu mau Anda gunakan nama penerima ataupun tidak.
Dalam Email, Anda dapat gunakan berikut ini untuk Salam Penutupnya:
1.      Regards
2.      Kind regards
3.      Best wishes
·          LAMPIRAN
Kadangkala kita sering mengirimkan surat beserta dengan lampirannya. Setidaknya ada dua cara untuk menyatakan bahwa surat kita tersebut memiliki lampiran, yaitu:
1.      Menyebutkan satu persatu lampirannya, atau
2.      Hanya menuliskan “Enclosure” tepat di bawah nama penanda tangan surat.
Perhatikan gaya penulisan Business Letter “British English” di bawah ini:
Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
Mr. James Hunt                                            25 January 2012
46B Park Avenue
Dear Mr. HuntSubject: Request No. 145
Referring to your request No. 145, we inform you that the materials you requested are out of stocks. Therefore, we recommend that you request our new product as we described in the enclosure.
We thank you and look forward to hearing from you soon.
James Hutauruk
Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
Perhatikan gaya penulisan Business Letter “American English” di bawah ini:
January 25, 2012Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
Subject: Request No. 145
Dear Mr. Hunt:
Referring to your request No. 145, we inform you that the materials you requested are out of stocks. Therefore, we recommend that you request our new product as we described in the enclosure.
We thank you and look forward to hearing from you soon.
James Hutauruk
Indonesia Sejahtera Selalu, PT
99 Jl. Belitung Jaya, Medan
North Sumatra, INDONESIA 20223
Tel +626217335455
